
Navigate Your Way

The Self-paced Version of The Journey Into You

A Transformational Astrology Program

The Doors Will Be Closing Soon

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

The Journey Into You is a one of a kind program focusing on the big picture and connecting the dots so you can find the direction and clarity to obtain your greatest success and happiness.


Before I tell you about this life changing program, let's talk about who this is really for ...

You're on a mission to become your BEST SELF.  You are ready to .... stop your repeating story and move on to the next chapter, to take the weight of the world off your shoulders, to express yourself without fear of judgement, to take control of your life, and ... to learn everything you can about astrology.  

Whether You're ...

  • a total newbie looking to understand yourself on a deeper level, what makes you tick. Perhaps you are trying to make sense out of past or current life challenges you are encountering. 
  •  a dabbler who has been studying on and off for years but have not yet been able to put all the pieces of the puzzle together.
  • a coach or healer who uses other modalities and is now ready to add astrology to your toolbox so you can serve your clients on a higher level while differentiating yourself in your field.

You're in the right place and I'm going to tell you exactly how the Navigate Your Way Program will give you the tools, motivation and unparalleled support on your personal journey.

By the end of this program, you will ...

  • Have greater self-awareness, finally understand what makes you tick.
  • Feel confident in your choices, we will always face challenges in our life and now you will have the tools to make sense of them so you can make better decisions as you move forward.
  • Ask for what you need, once you understand your emotional needs, you will no longer feel bad asking for what will make you feel safe and secure
  • Be ready to grow, knowing exactly what attributes you need to develop and which tendencies to leave behind
  • Start to improve your relationships with everyone, from your partner, kids, parents, friends, and co-workers.  You will now have greater compassion and understanding for who they 'truly' are too!
  • ​And of course ... you will have learned all the fundamentals of astrology including the Signs, Planets, Houses, Chiron, the North Node and so much more!
  • ​Bonus!! You will have a community of astrology soul friends cheering you on

  • Immediately implement changes in your life with weekly direction to take action
  • ​Find self-love as you begin to understand yourself better than you could ever have imagined
  • ​Give yourself permission to embrace your extraordinary self and bring your life back in balance
  • Find confidence and inner strength you didn't realize you had, but was always inside
  • Be given the chance to end your current story and start a new chapter!  That is correct ... no re-writing here; that is in the past!  It is time for a Plot Twist!

Are you ready to take the first step towards your new future? 

I want to personally invite you to experience the 'Journey Into You'

This is not your typical astrology program.  It is an Astro Experience! 

The Journey Into You is a live, interactive program into the practical side of astrology to help you take control of your life and move forward with confidence and clarity. 

While most astrology classes can feel overwhelming as they spend lots of time on technical jargon,
the Journey Into You is geared towards Transformation
(not just information).
  • Immediately implement changes in your life with weekly direction to take action
  • ​Find self-love as you begin to understand yourself better than you could ever have imagined
  • ​Give yourself permission to embrace your extraordinary self and bring your life back in balance
  • Find confidence and inner strength you didn't realize you had, but was always inside
  • Be given the chance to end your current story and start a new chapter!  That is correct ... no re-writing here; that is in the past!  It is time for a Plot Twist!

I am here and waiting to support you!

I promise, this is not your typical astrology program.  It is an Astro Experience! 

The Navigate Your Way Program is a self-paced program into the practical side of astrology to help you take control of your life and move forward with confidence and clarity. 

While most astrology classes can feel overwhelming as they spend lots of time on technical jargon,
the Navigate Your Way program is geared towards Transformation
(not just information).

Do you feel drawn to learn astrology?

I felt that very same pull.  Most of my students have too!
Once I was introduced to astrology there was no turning back.  I did everything I could to learn more and more.  I started learning on my own, I hired my very first mentor, I took courses from many famous astrologers.  I did readings for every person I knew and every stranger I met.  

The past two years have been hard on many, but it was actually my greatest blessing.  The pandemic gave me the opportunity to take all I had gathered over the past 9 years and compile it into an easy to learn step-by-step program that I could share with you.  My goal was to create a program that cut through all the technical jargon, and focused on getting you transformational results starting in the very first week!

The step that will ...

Lead you to all the answers you have been searching for and have been unable to find.

Help you breakthrough the blockages and have you waking up feeling happy and confident in your direction and purpose.

Bring you self-compassion and non-judgement, giving you permission to be authentically you

Most astrology classes can feel overwhelming as they spend lots of time on technical jargon.  The Journey Into You is geared towards transformation (not just information).  Each week you will have direction to take action and immediately implement changes in your life

You will find self-love as you begin to understand yourself better than you could ever have imagine.  Giving yourself permission slips to embrace your extraordinary self and prescription slips to bring your life back in balance

You will find confidence and inner strength you didn’t realize you had but was actually always inside

You will be given the chance to end your current story and start a new chapter! (That is correct, no re-writing here, that is in the past, it is time for a plot twist!)

I know you are thinking ...  
Isn't Astrology Hard to Learn?

It is hard if you try to eat the whole pie in one mouthful, but if you eat one bite at a time you can attain great satisfaction!

I make it easy for you

  • One new concept to integrate weekly
  • Specifically selected topics that make an impact on your life fast
  • A focus on practical astrology that is easy to apply
  • ​A simple and repeatable process​
  • 3 months of live group mentorship

This Program is Right for you, If you are ready to...

  • Stop the repeating story and move on to the next chapter
  • ​Feel the weight of the world lift off your shoulders
  • ​Change the crazy noise in your head to beautiful music
  • ​Express yourself without fear of judgement
  • ​Take control of your life
  • ​And ... Learn everything you can about astrology

With Each Module you will learn and grow

  • Module 1Find your Balance and improve your relationships (Elements/Modes/Zodiac Signs)
  • Module 2:  Understand your life themes by looking at The Big Picture (Chart Shape and Houses)
  • Module 3:  Find inner alignment with Me, Myself and I (Sun, Moon and Ascendant)
  • Module 4:  Meet The Captain and The Messenger who are guiding your chart and your thoughts (Chart Ruler and Mercury)
  • ​Module 5:  The planets of Love & Action help you get in touch with your Astro love language and your get up and go (Venus and Mars)
  • Module 6:  These big boys bring you Luck & Lessons as you tune into your belief system and conquer your fears and challenges (Jupiter and Saturn)
  • Module 7:  We all have Karma & Dharma, discover what your past life was like and how to get on your path to enlightenment (Lunar Nodes)
  • ​Module 8:  Learn about The Wounded Healer and your personal healing journey (Chiron)
  • Module 9:  Your Generation has a mission so let's shake it up, dream and transform the world (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto)

But Debbie, will I learn how to read charts?

Yes! Yes! Yes!

During this program, you will go from being a newbie to reading the charts of friends and family members.

The main focus is on your personal chart and your personal journey.  
However, I encourage you each week to be exploring other charts as you go.  

Looking at charts of people you know will help you start to see and learn the chart themes (not to mention, it will also help you have greater understanding and compassion for those people you care about most in your life).

Let me show you everything you will get if you decide to take the Journey!

Nine Core Modules

Over 10+ hours of video lesson content covering everything you need to begin reading your chart & understanding yourself and others

Full Color Workbooks

Workbooks for each module, over 100+ pages of material & exercises to help you explore your chart & to use as a reference guide!

Email & Group Support

Feel Supported as you dive into your chart and synthesize your learnings, get your questions answered via email and inside our private Facebook™


All the video lessons and materials will be available to you even after the course is over, and know you will receive any updates to the program materials

(Program Total Value $997)

And when you join today you will receive these Amazing bonuses!

Lifetime access
to the latest Journey Into Astrology Challenge Videos

DIY Astrology Flash Cards Get all 3 sets - Zodiac Signs, Planets and Houses (the best way to have your notes handy)

The Astro Navigator Chart Reading Tool Kit
(making it easy to do a reading)

(Total Value With Bonuses $1197)

Today for a One Time Investment of $497! 

More Payment Options!

Hi!  My name is Debbie and I created the Astro Navigator System used inside all of my programs because I was tired of watching people struggle to learn astrology.  

When I created this program I wanted to make sure it passed my personal expectations for investing in a program.

First, the program needed to provide a ton of value and offer a life-changing return on investment.  So I made sure to include the most important aspects of astrology, so you would be able to have the ability to grow personally and professionally.

Second, the material must be delivered in a simple step-by-step process that is both relatable and practical, so learning did not feel complex or overwhelming and get in the way of progress!

 Third, it could not be like your typical boring astrology program that focused on a bunch of technical jargon and left you all alone to figure it out (don't you hate programs like that).  So I did my best to make sure it was tons of fun and had lots of live interaction! (life is too short for it to be any other way)

I know decisions like this can be hard to make, and I definitely don't want you to take a step you are not ready for, but here is something to think about ...

Three months
from now, you can either be stuck in the same place in your lifeor move forward with confidence and clarity as you become your own astrologer.  Plus you will be able to start reading charts for your friends and family!

The ball is completely in your court.  Today you get to Choose CHANGE or to stay in the same place you've been for months or even years.

Sending you big hugs and lots of love while you make your decision.

Debbie 💞

P.S. I hope you know how much I believe in you!

More Payment Options!

What Past Students Are Saying ...

I've Never Felt Freer & More Confident

"When I decided to enroll in the Journey Into You program, little did I know, it would be one of the most empowering decisions I'd ever make for myself.  In an amazing way, learning astrology from such a personal point of view, from an amazing teacher, has given me permission to be my most authentic self.  I've never felt freer and more confident to be exactly who I am and it's all because of the knowledge gained in the Journey Into You programs!"

Lisa Carr, Sweet Soul Sister

Perfect Balance of Information and Fun

"Since discovering Debbie's brilliant classes and workshops, I have become much more comfortable and 'in tune' with the language of Astrology!  Debbie's classes are always jam-packed with the perfect balance of information and fun. It has made things that were seemingly hidden in plain sight become much more apparent to me, and I can use my newfound knowledge for the better. I definitely recommend getting yourself booked in for the next program!"

Shiann Humphrey, University Student

Really Made Me More Aware

“I can’t say enough positive things about Debbie and the program she has developed along with the community she has created. She is a joy to listen to and explains the astrology language in a way that is easy to understand. Since taking her Journey Into You Level 1 program and Conversational Astrology course it has really made me more aware and accepting of recurring patterns, relationships with people and difficult situations that occur in my life. Thank you for this new journey!”

Stephanie D.

Forever Grateful

"My “Journey Into Astrology” has taught me how to interpret my natal chart for a deeper understanding of myself allowing me to go deeper on my self-development path.  Debbie’s expertise in astrology astonished me.  I knew next to nothing when I started and now feel confident in my ability to give a natal chart reading. I am so thankful for navigating to Debbie’s page. This course is well taught step by step. No question is silly! Forever grateful!"

Pamela R Adams, Redfern Tarot

I've Never Felt Freer & More Confident

"When I decided to enroll in the Journey Into You program, little did I know, it would be one of the most empowering decisions I'd ever make for myself.  In an amazing way, learning astrology from such a personal point of view, from an amazing teacher, has given me permission to be my most authentic self.  I've never felt freer and more confident to be exactly who I am and it's all because of the knowledge gained in the Journey Into You programs!"

Lisa Carr, Sweet Soul Sister

Perfect Balance of Information and Fun

"Since discovering Debbie's brilliant classes and workshops, I have become much more comfortable and 'in tune' with the language of Astrology!  Debbie's classes are always jam-packed with the perfect balance of information and fun. It has made things that were seemingly hidden in plain sight become much more apparent to me, and I can use my newfound knowledge for the better. I definitely recommend getting yourself booked in for the next program!"

Shiann Humphrey, University Student

Really Made Me More Aware

“I can’t say enough positive things about Debbie and the program she has developed along with the community she has created. She is a joy to listen to and explains the astrology language in a way that is easy to understand. Since taking her Journey Into You Level 1 program and Conversational Astrology course it has really made me more aware and accepting of recurring patterns, relationships with people and difficult situations that occur in my life. Thank you for this new journey!”

Stephanie D.

Forever Grateful

"My “Journey Into Astrology” has taught me how to interpret my natal chart for a deeper understanding of myself allowing me to go deeper on my self-development path.  Debbie’s expertise in astrology astonished me.  I knew next to nothing when I started and now feel confident in my ability to give a natal chart reading. I am so thankful for navigating to Debbie’s page. This course is well taught step by step. No question is silly! Forever grateful!"

Pamela R Adams, Redfern Tarot

Excited, But Have a Question?

How long is the program?
If you do one module per week it will take you 9 weeks to complete the program.  But don't feel rushed, this program is self-paced so you can take your time going through each module and lesson to ensure you have a good understanding.
How much time will I need each week?
I suggest you set aside around 2 hours a week. 1 hour to review course lesson and materials and 1 hour to do the exercises and explore your chart. 

If you are an overachiever, then definitely spend another hour looking at your family and friends charts!
Will the sessions be pre-recorded?
All program modules are pre-recorded.  Each week you will be delivered a new module and an accompanying workbook.  
Are there live group mentoring sessions?
Yes!!! Typically this is the self-paced version of the Journey Into You Program and does not have weekly live group coaching but with your special offer you will receive monthly group coaching with me for 3 months!!!
Are there live group mentoring sessions?
No, the self-paced version of the Journey Into You Program does not include live mentoring sessions.  If you choose you can add on 1:1 private mentoring sessions.
Is it too late to join the weekly live group coaching program?
The weekly live group program is offered several times a year.  Please send an email to debbie@journeyintoastrology to inquire if the program is open for registration.
If I take the self-paced program and I want to switch to the live group coaching do I have to rejoin?
No, if you start with the self-paced program and decide later you would like to be part of the live group coaching program when it is next available you can upgrade your program for the difference in price.
What if I need more help.  Is there a mentoring program?
Yes!  If you are moving along and would like additional mentorship you can book a private 30 minute mentoring session to get your questions answered in a 1:1 session.
How will I access the course and materials?
Before the program begins you will be sent a user id and password to access the learning portal.  Inside the learning portal you will have access to the course module containing the lesson video and workbook.  
What kind of payments do you accept?
We do offer discounts for payment in full, otherwise monthly payment plans are available. Payment is preferred via Credit Card.
Do you offer a refund policy?
Of course I want you to be happy with your purchase, and I really think you are going to love it! But, if you give it your best effort, apply the material and lessons in the program and feel it does not work for you, I do offer a strict 14-day refund period. Please note, to qualify for a refund you must submit proof that you did the work in the course and why it did not work for you. I do not offer refunds for any other reason.  
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