Hi! My name is Debbie and I created the Astro Navigator System used inside all of my programs because I was tired of watching people struggle to learn astrology.
When I created this program I wanted to make sure it passed my personal expectations for investing in a program.
First, the program needed to provide a ton of value and offer a life-changing return on investment. So I made sure to include the most important aspects of astrology, so you would be able to have the ability to grow personally and professionally.
Second, the material must be delivered in a simple step-by-step process that is both relatable and practical, so learning did not feel complex or overwhelming and get in the way of progress!
Third, it could not be like your typical boring astrology program that focused on a bunch of technical jargon and left you all alone to figure it out (don't you hate programs like that). So I did my best to make sure it was tons of fun and had lots of live interaction! (life is too short for it to be any other way)